
When I send out a link to my updates site, I do it as a block send.  By that I mean, I send it out to many pastors, churches and friends, some of who know me personally, and others who don't but yet I hope, might one day consider scheduling me.  But yesterday, one response alarmed me.  Here it is with the name withheld. x

To be straight forward with you, I decided several years ago to quit supporting BBFI missionaries other than the one we have supported for many years and whom I know personally.  Knowing the direction of the BBF over the last decade, I will not support the fellowship nor their missionaries. I have some good friends that remain in support of the BBF and I remain their friend but do not support them financially.I hope you understand.

While I appreciate his being honest with me, I see a problem.  In 1980-83, when I attended a BBFI college, I was challenged by godly men in their chapel, to "stick by the stuff" to "shuck the corn" and "shake the tree."  The Word of God was the KJV and the mission field was white unto harvest.  And when I was approved by the BBFI, just about everyone I knew was KJV, conservative and unwavering.  So I took what I was taught and went to the Philippines where God enabled me to church plant, start a seminary, and launch out many ministries.  But now that I have been faithful for three terms, I am rejected by my own.

Like Rip van Winkle, I have returned to a time that I don't understand.  The conservatives do not want me because I am BBFI, and the BBFI does not want me because I am conservative.  Yet, it was the BBFI who trained me to be conservative.  Now I don't fit in.  Where do I go?  How do I raise additional support?  The progressives don't like me and the conservatives don't trust me!  But all I did was remain faithful.  So why am I being punished?  I was away in the Philippines when all these changes took place and wasn't there when the lines were drawn.  I thought I was being faithful.  Now I learn I am an outcast.

If you are a conservative Baptist pastor, please give me a chance and don't just label all BBFI Missionaries as having no standards, no convictions or being worldly.  Many of us older missionaries have remained unchanged since we were first approved many years ago.   To ask us to change agencies at this point in our lives is almost suicide for us.  And if you are a progressive, please don't shut your door to me either.  As a missionary, local church autonomy is deeply ingrained in us.  This means we understand the Baptist Distinctive of letting your congregation govern themselves under your shepherding as their Pastor.  We are missionaries, not Camp Evangelists. 

Please click on the links above and get to know me before you judge me.  Thanks, Missionary Mike Mislan.

Stay Tuned!
Why are you rejecting me?
He came unto his own, and his own received him not. (Jn.1:11)