Some E-Mails Received so far...

Fellowship Baptist Church, Charlotte NC....My church is going to take you on for support and we would like to have you in our Mission Conference in Nov. 2010. Parrish has his at that same time so maybe we can work something out. Steve Triplett, Fellowship Baptist Church, Charlotte, N. C.  28227

Filipino Independent. Bapist Church, Norfolk, VA....Dear Bro. Mike and family, "Truly God is good..." (Psalm 73:1), but to all His Redeemed sons in Christ Jesus.  FIBC family is praising our Almighty God for sustaining you and your family in that part of the globe.  We rejoiced with you for all the works that our gracious God is accomplishing through you.  Do include us in your upcoming furlough itinerary. If it is at all possible, FIBC family would gladly welcome you for a revival meeting in May. If not, kindly consider any convenient time and let me know.  Meanwhile, greetings to you and your family.

Newark Baptist Church, Elkton, MD...When you do your furlough know that we ALWAYS want to visit with our Missionaries. I know you will be trying to raise new support, but if you can work us in - that would be great - we are very flexible. We will communicate more as the time approaches. Thanks to you and your Family for being our Missionaries in that part of the world. Pastor Clay Moorman, Newark Baptist Church, Elkton,MD .

Lighthouse Baptist Church, South Bend, IN...Would you consider coming to my church the next time you are on furlough in this neck of the woods? Our annual missions conference is the last Wed - Sun in September each year. Maybe you could work it out to be in our conference in 2009. That would be GREAT!, Lighthouse Baptist Church, South Bend, IN

New Life Baptist Church, White Marsh MD.... Also invited me , but I did not save e-mail. (I just want to acknowledge them)

South Side Baptist Tabernacle, Ypsilanti, MI... I know you're very busy, but just wanted to let you know that we're praying for you guys, and that I've sent requests to several of my Pastor friends to have you at least scheduled to come to their church and preach. Don't know if you know them, or if they support you, or what, but I wanted to get the word out...Pastor Tim Ammon and the Hope Baptist Church in Romulus, Michigan. (my in law's church) Pastor Jeff Ledbetter and the Trulite Baptist Church in High Point, North Carolina (my brother-in-law's church) Pastor Doug Pettit, Jr. and the Sheldonville Baptist Church in Wrentham, Massachusetts My best friend, Mark Curtis's church in Orlando, Florida (sorry, I can't remember the name or the Pastor, I'll findout).

Great Hope Baptist Church, Chesapeake, VA .....Here is a list of some of the churches in our area with thephone numbers. I hope this will help with you upcoming furlough. Maranatha Baptist ChurchYorktown, VA Pastor Dale Coffey... Temple Baptist Church Chesapeake, VA ... Bethel Baptist Church Hampton, VA., Pastor Donnaka...FaithBaptist Church, Fredericksburg, VA, Pastor Don Forreste...Temple Baptist Church, Herndon, VA, Pastor Dave Pittman... Peoples Baptist Church Chesapeake, VAPastor Mike Weatherington... Heritage Baptist Church Woodbridge, VA, Pastor Mike Edwards... Loudoun Baptist Temple Leesburg, VA Pastor Eugene Nichols...Community Baptist Church, Surry County, VA, Pastor Gary Ross.

Faith Baptist Church, Brown City, MI...Good morning Brother. I trust you are having a wonderful day in the Lord as I am. I am not sure if I have asked you to include us on your list of churches in Michigan, if I have already done so, forgive me for not remembering, if I haven't, would you please pla
n on scheduling us in while you are in our area. Our folks would love to see you again and my wife and I would enjoy getting to meet you face to face. God Bless, Pastor Paul Gaymon, Faith Baptist Church, Brown City, MI.

What's Here:

Here I'll be posting my Furlough Schedule along with some highlights of the churches I visit. So far, my furlough may start in May of 2010, and I have two supporting churches in MD who already invited me, with a good prospect who invited me in Indiana, and of course I'll be reporting to my sending church..

About Furlough: Furlough is both fun yet exhausting.  I'll probably live in my Sending Church's missionary apartment, but will need to unpack my things from storage, check in with my local bank, purchase a needed vehicle and buy some clothes and groceries, make a audio-visual presentation and display, get a cell phone and directory, call and send out letters, drive long distances, preach ideally in three services per week, get my son Joshua set up in the States (we'll be leaving him behind), while praying for my church back here.  During my travels, I have been treated to really nice hotels and lavish restaurant meals, and have also slept in peoples homes, fully furnished missionary apartments, Sunday School rooms, in my car, and once in a storage room, eating instant oatmeal, canned beans, cup-of-noodles and peanut butter and jelly sandwiches!  But while I am simple and don't mind the humble accommodations, a good missionary will be thankful for any place he can stay and any meal he can eat, and I have ALWAYS gained weight on furlough!  God and His people, have always took good care of me on furlough,just as it happens on the field.

The Good Stuff:  It's nice fellowshipping with my pastor friends again, meeting those who have been supporting and praying for me,being treated like I'm someone special, discovering how things have changed since I've been away, finding great deals on items I can use on the field, but most of all, being given an opportunity to share how good God has been to us while we served Him in the Philippines!
The Mislan Family in the Philippines
What we do on Furlough. . .

Furlough is when yourecharge from any drainage from the field, fill up on the favorite foods you missed (like mint chocolate chip ice cream, milk), work on a presentation and display, purchase a needed car and new clothes (we wear no winter clothes here and what we have in storage is always five years behind),  visit your family and friends, reportto and thank your supporting churches (it's nice to be with supporters who love you), schedule new churches to raise additional support, attend any retreats or seminars to update yourself, help your left behind teens get settled for their new life in the States, andthen make preparations to return to where your heart was all the time!
Always under Construction
Our window required three things:

(1) Furlough Replacement (we were training our men)
(2) Visa Renewals (things looked favorable)
(3) Joshua's HS Graduation (he can't go back until he graduates). 

Of these three, Joshua's Christian school was giving us conflicting requirements for his graduation which would set him back for another year and delay our furlough departure.  In response  we asked your prayers as we met with the school.  

We are glad to report that after dropping Joshua's optional college prep courses, he'll graduate as originally planned (no we did not bribe them!). 

Since our school years are different, and Joshua had his thyroid removed, he was set back two years as we traveled for furlough and during his treatments and  surgery.  Being told at nineteen that you cannot graduate is not easy to take!  We rejoice that his diploma is within reach!  Thanks for your prayers.

                              CLICK HERE to E-Mail Me.

South Side Baptist Tabernacle, 6710 Textile Rd, Ypsilanti, MI, 48197-8991, Pastor Chris Wass
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Reporting and sharing our burden to churches in the United States

Jonathan, Mike, Lenore and Joshua
Joshua was making honor roles and we were surprised he wasn't graduating!
But we rejoice that  things worked things out.
Our BBFI Missions Office
That's all folks!
(for now)

We have completed our furlough - this page is now a history!
But God worked things out!
How Our Furlough Went: Our furlough went smoothly but I was hoping on gaining more supporting churches. Jonathan our eldest son had graduated Heartland Baptist Bible College and is now on church staff doing his internship. Our youngest son Joshua will be going to Bible College at Pensacola, after our return to the Philippines, June 18th, 2011. Right now I'm still under-supported and would appreciate your prayers. Thanks!