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We are missionaries to the Philippines and have constructed this simple site to share the adventures and status of our furlough.  Here, you will find photos, our schedule, how things are going, and more.  Thanks for your interest in our furlough! 
  I'm updating my Itinerary page!
[ Your Text Here ]
Mike was sent out as a church planter by the South Side Baptist Tabernacle of Ypsilanti, Michigan, USA.  He is is happily married to his wife Lenore, and has two sons, Jonathan and Joshua who are active in ministry.

Stay tuned kids.  You never know what this missionary might throw in.

We at Woodfin Baptist Church had the distinct pleasure to hear a most impressive presentation of the Philippines from Mike and Lenore Mislan. These precious people did a beautiful job as they sang of hope, love and joy both in the English and the native Language of the Philippine tongue and shared their testimony of a personal relationship with Jesus Christ our Lord. Their children complimented their ministry and were well behaved and attentive. It is our pleasure to share their burden for the lost in the Philippines and welcome them to our Mission family..
It was a real joy to us at the Filipino Independent Baptist Church to have you as our special guests during our 19th anniversary celebration on February 26th, 2006. Your presence was truly a blessing and encouragement to the church and to me as well even in my absence. It was comforting to me to hear good feedback from the church members resulting from Gods message through you. I would like to take this opportunity to express my personal appreciation and thanks for your kind thoughts and prayers.
Mike. I really enjoyed the fellowship. I am thrilled with response to your preaching! (Pastor Tim Gunter, Crown Point Baptist, FL)

I personally visited him and the work God has ordained him to do in 1995 and 1999. His personal contribution and presence to the people of San Marcelino is essential in promoting and improving both spiritual and social growth. As an exemplary American Missionary, his Godly friendship, guidance and leadership has led him to accomplish the following: (1) He is the founder and pastor of the San Marcelino Baptist Church, Zambales, Philippines. (2) He chaplains 12-14 members of the Philippine National Police. (3) He teaches Values Education with the San Marcelino Public School District... As a personal friend in the ministry since early 1990, I have known him to be honest, sincere, reliable and loves the work as evidenced by his extended stay in the mission field and in the strong to.. continue what he has started.. (Pastor Jose N. Ramirez, Filipino Independent Baptist Church, Norfolk, VA).

Your patience and perseverance during this time of deputation and raising support has been an inspiration to our family...Your dedicated service has caused our hearts to want to continue to support you as you venture forth; both prayerfully and financially. Thank you for your commitment to follow the Lord's leading in your lives...may His grace continue to be sufficient to meet your every need. With love in Christ, the Jenkins Family.
About ten years ago when I was eight, you came to my church and left a strong enough impression on me that I began saving my bottles and cans to send a small check to you and your family to support your mission in the Philippines, Now that I am 18 and graduating from HS, I've been reflecting over the years of my life and thinking about people who really made a difference. I put together a memory book for one of my classes over the past year which includes a number of cards awards, and pictures and I realized just how many letters I received from you during that time I supported you and even after that. That is why I am sending you this letter with a gift that is coming from the money I received from my graduation party. The Lord has blessed me and in turn I have chosen to put a part of that toward missions and I thought that giving to you would be very appropriate considering the amount of time I have been thinking of you and your family. THANK YOU for recognizing me as another supporter in spite of my age and the small amount of money I have each month. By making me feel special, you taught me that every little bit helps and that making a difference in the world could be as simple as taking a minute to talk to someone or even taking a minute to pray for someone. Now as I embark on my own journey to Gordon College in the fall to major in social work and hopefully pursue my dream of working with children with cancer, I will remember the friendship I made with you and the impact it had on my life. I would love to keep in touch if it is possible because I love to hear all the things that the Lord is doing through you and your family. Once again, THANK YOU for the impact you made on my life. It was and is greatly appreciated. You're in my prayers, Joanna Jenkins.
I want to express my appreciation to you for your many years of faithfulness to the Lord & His ministry. Thank you for your friendship and kindness to me and to our church over the years, and your example to our people has been an encouraging one. I know that you have faced some trials and difficulties while in the ministry, but I thank you for your faithfulness to the Lord (All Nations Baptist, NY).
I'm six foot!
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Missionary Mike Mislan's
Joshua  Lenore    Mike   Jonathan
ATTENTION: Our furlough officially ends on June 17th, 2011! We may be on the field already!
Home Page      Furlough Status     Preaching Schedule      Supporter's Page      High-Lights

CLICK HERE to view all field photos at Flickr
Here's a few testimonials from past furloughs.
The beginning of our 2010-11 furlough.
LEFT: After seeing so much poverty and hunger, it was hard for me to adjust to the abundance in the States. BELOW: My missionary apartment.
My Headquarters, a nice missionary apartment furnished by my sending church!
For under $8,000 God provided me these two vehicles for furlough travel and family!
Preaching and Teaching in my sending church and a camp..
OLD NEWS! So far I got our things out of storage, purchased a needed cell phone, two vehicles, and a note book PC and LED projector, designed a PowerPoint presentation, prayer card and brochure, made a display and board, got my wife her driver's license, got Joshua his driver's permit, did a mass mailing, and am scheduling churches.  In August my wife and I will fly to a missionary retreat and seminar in AK, and then my wife will fly to take care of family business in Costa Rica.  As I have time, I'll be updating my Itinerary page so that you can join me in prayer as a travel and preach!